Understand the thought process that drives Tawasaw
The Muslim community is being attacked from all angles, our Muslim identity, our Iman, our dignity, our morals, at our schools, workplaces, homes and beyond. It is a threat that has hit every level of the Muslim household and requires systematic change and growth. The ummah is in a constant state of crippling defense and anxiety, worrying about who will be the next in our circles to be hit by this devastating reality.
The solution that Tawasaw provides is a growth environment where world class educators and innovators in their respective fields gather together to build high quality, structured programs, trainings and resources for all ages. This education is passed down through mentorship and experiential learning, and therefore can be scaled effectively and efficiently. In doing so, the ummah will be no longer waiting anxiously for something to happen to any of its members , but rather, we will be leading the change that we wish to see in the world.
Take a look at what Tawasaw looks like internally.
Empower Muslims through motivational Islamic education, mentorship, and community initiatives. Our mission is to provide a transformative experience that reconnects individuals with their faith, cultivates strong moral foundations, and nurtures a sense of purpose and belonging within the global Muslim community.
To envision a vibrant and empowered Muslim community globally, where individuals confidently embrace their identity, learn and deepen their faith, uphold unwavering moral values, and are inspired to actively shape their communities
Society has diminished our self worth and has left us with the mentality that we can lead no real change in the world, meaning “it is not our responsibility.” At Tawasaw we constantly encourage our community to find new ways that they can leave their mark on the world through our network and resources. Once one person proves that its possible, it creates a chain effect that inspires people to be leaders who constantly ask, “how can I better improve myself and the Ummah” and accomplish it.
We aim to foster a youth-led culture guided by the wisdom of elders, encouraging creativity, curiosity, and open dialogue. Committed to excellence, innovation, and the timeless teachings of Islam, our goal is to create an inspiring environment that cultivates positive change and a deeper connection with Allah SWT.
Be a part of striving towards these 6 goals to foster our ummah!
Empowering minds with holistic knowledge, refining the heart's intent to mirror the Quran and Sunnah for success in this world, and in the next!
Fostering the role of a big brother/sister as a role model and coach to inspire those who are next line.
Quenching the thirst to take initiative and give back in a meaningful way.
Steering the flock with care, echoing the shepherd's call to guide and protect with purpose.
Ascending Together towards our aspirations and dreams, as well as purifying the nafs to grow to its full potential.
Forming Identity based on loving, being proud of, and protecting your deen.
Look into the services that Tawasaw currently offers to you.
Our workshops are our flagship programs at Tawasaw. This is because they tackle all 6 of our goals as an organization and make a lasting impact.
Everyone has a time in their life when they require personal islamic guidance and the conventional youtube lectures aren't enough. Thats why we offer islamic counseling to help navigate those difficult times.
Quench your thirst for knowledge through our unique online courses. After every section of each course you will take a quiz to test the level of knowledge you gained.
What we try to accomplish through our Journeys is a strength in identity through experiencing islamic history.
Tawasaw's publishing house works to translate and publish books that relate to the muslims modern struggles as well as publish high quality kids booklets.
The services listen above are not a comprehensive list. They are however listed to show how our services fall in line with our 6 goals. Our plan is to keep serving the community where it is needed in order to grow the muslim community.